Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blog Topic #10: iPoint Critique

Sharon Decaro, I really liked your color scheme of your ipoint webpage. They really went well together and there was enough variety to be pleasing to the eye. Also I like that you had the flash in there. It would be been nice to have more words but the idea of it was great. Really made you look at what was it was saying and it caught your eye. http://mat.miracosta.edu/MAT165/studentwork/decaro/midterm/index.htm

Claduia Gagliani, your website is extremely well put together. My favorite part is your banner! The photo is outstanding and clear. I also really like your color scheme. Great job on your website. I am extremely impressed! http://mat.miracosta.edu/MAT165/studentwork/gagliani/midterm/

Cathy Hendrie, your services page was quite creative. I think you were the only person to separate the page into two columns so that both private and public seemed equal. It looked extremely professional and I wish I would of thought of that. Overall, Cathy, your web page looked professional and I can tell you put some hard work into it. Great job! http://mat.miracosta.edu/MAT165/studentwork/hendrie/midterm/

Charmaine Lyons, I love your site. It looks professional! I looks like you have had a lot of experience in making web pages. If you haven't I can not tell at all!I love your banner, the picture is clear and crisp and brings a great feeling to the site. I like that you put 'serving both public agencies and private sector entitles' on your banner. It really lets everyone know who this site is for without searching all over the website. Overall, everything about your site is great, I especially loved the color scheme!


I know I am only supposed to have 2 or 3 sites but Janja Watson I found your placement of your banner different and it worked great! It was unique and so unlike everyone elses. I really liked your site! http://mat.miracosta.edu/MAT165/studentwork/watson/midterm/index.htm

I did not find the background on Joshua Caserta's web page fit well. I feel like there should have been another color to complement the website. There was a little too much blue for my taste.


Victor Davis has a nice idea, but i don't know if the ifram worked the best for this project. Also I think the banner with the picture took a little too much of the top of the page. My suggestions would be to make the banner about half the size and make individual pages instead of an i frame.


If I was the managing partner at iPoint Advisors, I would choose Charmaine Lyons site. As I said before it looks professional and I love the color scheme. I think out of all the sites Charmaine's site is the best put together and fits iPoint Advisors goal the best!

If I were to redo my site, (http://mat.miracosta.edu/MAT165/studentwork/alexander/midterm/) I would do a different photo on my banner. I kind of just stuck on up there and didn't think much about it. I would pick a photo that would stand out more and not just blend in and no one would give a second thought to. I would also put some type of catch phrase on my banner in order that people would be able to get a feel for what the site is about pretty quickly. I would add color to my sub headers to help differentiate from my text and add a little bit more creativity. Lastly, I would redo my services page and make two colums for private and public services in order to have them seem equally important.

Great job on the sites everyone! I throughly enjoyed looking over everyones!

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