Thursday, December 18, 2008

Blog Topic #12: Web Critique and Analysis

    Luna Bars

  1. What are the communication objectives of the site? Is there one purpose that is primary?

    The communication objectives for this site is to sell their luna bars and give the consumer more knowledge about their product. Yes, one primary purpose and that is to convince the consumer that their luna bars are healthy and they should buy them.

  2. Who is the target audience for the site? Is there an audience who the site excludes?

    The target audience is for mainly for women who wants a nutritional, yummy snack when they are active and busy. There is no audience that is excluded.

  3. What is your rationale for believing the communication objectives and audience are what you claim?

    My rationale for the objectives and the target audience is because by their slogan 'luna, nurish your life' and also by looking around the site a little bit they have tons of informations on their bars and about healthy eating. Also by reading their story you learn that they made the bars for women who were active and busy.

  4. What is the aesthetic look and feel of the site? Why do you suppose the designer choose this look and feel?

    The look and feel of the sight is comfortable, friendly and a little bit of an outdoorsy feel. I think the designer choose this look and feel in order to get across that luna bars make you feel healthier and happier because they nourish body well.

  5. Does the look and feel support the communications objectives? Why or why not?

    Yes, if the site can convince the user that the bars and nourishes and healthy and make the consumer feel better than they will hopefully buy some luna bars.

  6. Does the site have a theme?

    Yes, a theme of healthy living.

  7. What is the site's navigational scheme and structure? Is the site easy to navigate? Do you ever get lost or confused?

    Yes, the main menu on top of ever page accomplishes navigation quite well. No, I didn't get lost of confused at al.

  8. Can you easily accomplish any tasks that you might want to accomplish on the site? If yes, how did the site make it easy or obvious? If no, what got in your way?

    Yes, they make navigation really easy. Everything is labeled well and makes it easily to find what you are looking for.

  9. What technologies (HTML, Flash, Javascript, CSS, XML, ASP, PHP, Shockwave, CGI forms, streaming (or progressive downloading) video or audio, etc.) does that site utilize? Does it utilize web technologies effectively?

    This site uses flash on the index page and all the headers to catch your eye and also for the main menu. HTML to create the site. Also flash is used to display all the luna bars and make them look like they are in a book. They used a lot of HTML and Flash. They also used CSS for the fonts and background color. Yes, they do use their technologies effectively.

  10. Can you discover any incompatibility problems with the site for people using different browsers, platforms, screen sizes, fonts, modem speeds, etc.?

    Well it's not a huge isse but on the drop down menu the font is white on a yellow. I can read it pretty easily but someone with not as good as sight might have some difficulty with it. Also people with dial up might have some trouble with the speed because of all the flash.

  11. Is there anything unique about the site and sets it apart from other sites and/or competitors? Are there special features that the site employs?

    Yes, there little feature of using a notebook that changed pages to display their different types of Luna bars. It is extremely creative.

  12. How do you suppose the site markets itself? Does it do anything to drive traffic to itself (such as viral marketing) and/or provide reasons for return visitors?

    They have great information on living a healthy lifestyle. They also have a newsletter you can sign up for that keeps you updated on events and new things with the company.

  13. What is your overall impression and assessment of the site? Does the site accomplish it's objectives? Can you think of design ideas or solutions that would be interesting or more effective alternatives?
    I am extremely impressed with the site. They did a great job. I love the colors and feel of the site. It is comfortable but also has a lively feeling. I believe it accomplishes it's goal great! It makes me want to try one of their bars, if not buy them online then at least think twice about it when I go to the store and see them.


  1. What are the communication objectives of the site? Is there one purpose that is primary?

    To sell their product and give you more information about it in order that you will want to buy it.

  2. Who is the target audience for the site? Is there an audience who the site excludes?

    Eveyone is a target audience and no one is excluded because everyone can enjoy at least one of their drinks

  3. What is your rationale for believing the communication objectives and audience are what you claim?

    The whole site is about Snapple and promoting it.

  4. What is the aesthetic look and feel of the site? Why do you suppose the designer choose this look and feel?

    The look and feel is a little bit like an adventure and exploring. To show how Snapple is international.

  5. Does the look and feel support the communications objectives? Why or why not?

    Yes, they are trying to give us information about their site and by doing so make you want to buy snapple.

  6. Does the site have a theme?

    Yes, exploring.

  7. How do the design elements (composition, use of color, choice of fonts/typographic design, use of graphics and photos, textures, animation, sound, interactivity, video, etc.) function to reveal the themes and objectives of the site?

    There is an old plane that flies around that reminds you of exploring and there is a little book in the corner that looks like an exploring book. When you press on it it tells you to put your name in and start exploring.

  8. What is the site's navigational scheme and structure? Is the site easy to navigate? Do you ever get lost or confused?

    The site is a little bit confusing. There is a navigational bar on top but there is a lot of information and sometimes you don't know what menu idem to click to find what you are looking for.

  9. Can you easily accomplish any tasks that you might want to accomplish on the site? If yes, how did the site make it easy or obvious? If no, what got in your way?

    Yes, bascially you can find more enough information about Snapple.

  10. What technologies (HTML, Flash, Javascript, CSS, XML, ASP, PHP, Shockwave, CGI forms, streaming (or progressive downloading) video or audio, etc.) does that site utilize? Does it utilize web technologies effectively?

    Basically their whole site is flash. Yes, they use it very effectively. They are really creative with their site.

  11. Can you discover any incompatibility problems with the site for people using different browsers, platforms, screen sizes, fonts, modem speeds, etc.?

    Yes, to my opinion too much flash. Some people could have quite a bit of difficulty with this site because there is so much flash. The pages are always loading.

  12. Is there anything unique about the site and sets it apart from other sites and/or competitors? Are there special features that the site employs?

    Yes, they make it seem like you are going on an explorer. It gets the comsumer invovled and have a little bit of fun.

  13. How do you suppose the site markets itself? Does it do anything to drive traffic to itself (such as viral marketing) and/or provide reasons for return visitors?

    By the income of buying their product, yes they have news letter and fun random facts.

  14. What is your overall impression and assessment of the site? Does the site accomplish it's objectives? Can you think of design ideas or solutions that would be interesting or more effective alternatives?

    The site was great and I can tell a lot of hard work was put into it. It does accomplish it's goal. Anyone that throughly looked through this site and later say a snapple in a store would want to purchase one. No, I can not think of solutions besides making it not as much flash in order to make the site faster to get around, but then the site wouldn't be as interesting.

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